Amrit Kalotra Receives Lifetime Achievement Award From President Biden for Lifelong Commitment to Building a Stronger Nation Through Volunteer Service

Greetings to all our friends and supporters with a wish for a healthier and happier time. Karuna Charities Washington was inaugurated by our Chairperson Lekha Srinivasan in May 1998. I have had the honor and privilege of serving as the President for the last 20 plus years alongside a most dedicated ALL WOMAN Board. Together, we started this humble organization holding a small Platter full of hope and an ardent desire to do something for our community here in the U.S and overseas. Today, we are 130 members strong and each year, some more join us in our mission.
Karuna, which means compassion in Sanskrit, is the heart and soul of Karuna Charities. We are a grass-roots organization that makes a difference in the lives of the needy and disadvantaged (mainly women and children) in the United States, India, and other countries.
Domestic violence does not discriminate. It shows in all levels of society; it rears its ugly head in the homes of the rich and poor. We believe all beings have a right to live a life of dignity. We may not have walked in the shoes of those in need but we can hold their hands and walk beside them and lend them a helping hand.
Some of these emotionally and physically abused women take refuge in shelters but a different kind of challenge faces them as they step out to begin their life anew. We step in and help in various ways, including money for their first month’s rent, lawyers’ fees, training for a new job, essential commodities so they become stronger and forge ahead with more confidence.
Through our assistance, no matter how big or small, we aim to provide a boost to our beneficiaries so that they can lead a better, independent and more purposeful life.
Education is also of paramount importance for it allows a person to earn and to be independent. We have set up endowed scholarships in Montgomery College, The Universities at Shady Grove, Northern Virginia Community College and University of District of Columbia. Giving is good but as they say … Give someone a fish and maybe they can feed their family for a little while … but teach them fishing and they will have a skill that will last a lifetime. Karuna Charities strongly believe in education as a means to a greater end. A woman educated is a family educated.
Karuna Charities also participates in community service. We cook and serve meals in shelters, give cleansing materials in orphanages and Mother Teresa homes. We have been active in our giving especially now during this pandemic. Most recently, we have delivered food to shelters, monetary help to food banks, and provided additional funding through the aforementioned universities to students struggling to make ends meet.
There is still a lot we can do. Remember the small platter we started out with in 1998? It has been growing bigger and bigger and is now full of love, care, empathy and happiness. All this we couldn’t have done alone. It is our beloved community, all of you that have made all this possible.
… You know growing up, I never imaged that I would be involved in community service.
When I was a young girl living in Calcutta, India, I remember looking through our car window and seeing a frightened, homeless girl about my age crying out for food. I wondered … why I had so much and she so little … maybe nothing! Why life was so unfair to so many. A voice inside of me was asking “Why god, why? … Why can’t you do something about it” I entreated.
This image of that little girl has always remained engrained in my consciousness. Then, many years later, I was able to find my answer in the form of a question: … … “What am I going to do about it?”
THE SEED OF COMPASSION, the intense desire to help others in need, that was lying dormant in my mind has been my call to service.
I feel blessed that I have had the opportunity to work alongside with my Board Members, Ambassadors, Sponsors, and Karuna members to mobilize our community’s support in the most trying of times for those in greatest need.
You know … … someone asked me the other day, do I feel awkward reaching out to people to ask for donations. … Without any hesitance I replied – No. No I do not.
Over the years, I have come to know our community and YOU our supporters so well. It is because of your unending financial backing and heartfelt compassion that Karuna’s voice remains unfaltering.
Thank you for taking my calls. Thank you for being there for Karuna Charities.
Tonight, we gather online for our 22nd Annual Diwali Gala. Happy Diwali to you all of you.
I am so glad that you chose to take time out of your precious schedules, especially on a Sunday evening, to be here with us all. I hope you enjoy the Show.
Stay Safe … Stay well. … God Bless you all.
On November 10, 2024, the Double Tree by Hilton in Gaithersburg a glittering Karuna Diwali 2024 Gala showcased the spirit of giving by Karuna Charities Washington Inc., led by Amrit Kalotra, president. Karuna has an all women Board (Sujata Avasthi, Jasbir Sethi, Kanti Singh. Bina Dhir, Promila Banik, and Savita Malhotra) as well as Ambassadors (Sangita Kalotra, Gita Bhatia, also Webmaster, Sushma Oberoi, Rohini Khera, Priyanka Rattana, Jyoti Gujral, and Mara Puri). The Mistress of Ceremonies was Mrs. Nilima Mehra and the DJ was Mr. Hemant.
Devanjalee Mitra sang the Opening Song with a crystalline voice. Devanjalee is a professional Bollywood singer/ She is a disciple of Hindustani classical maestros Pandit Jasraj and Pandit Pratap Narayan.
The lighting of the lamp ceremony was conducted by Anand Kumar Somani, Minister Counselor at the Embassy of India, Washinton, DC. assisted by his wife.
Mrs. Amrit Kalotra gave a warm welcome address highlighting the joy of giving. She told a story about how hard it was for her to sell 10 tickets when she was a little girl, and how she has immersed herself in collecting money for the needy. She told the touching story of how a woman lost family and all her belongings, but becoming attached to a little kitten taught her how to live again. She began to make cakes and bread for homeless people and became whole again. It is important to give with all your heart even if the gift is small. After all the ocean is made of countless little drops.
The Guest of Honor, Anand Kumar Somani from the Embassy of India followed with a brief speech.
The keynote speaker was Dr. Deidre Price, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and College Provost, Montgomery College, Maryland. She was followed by warm thanks from an Engineering student from Montgomery College who has benefitted from a Karuna scholarship. Karuna gives endowed scholarships to University of the District of Columbia (UDC), Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), Universities at Shady Grove, and Montgomery College in Maryland.
There was a special singing performance by young Ishani Jaan Nandani Witek followed by a youngsters musical performance: Krishna Sulibhavi (Guitar); Lekha Chada (Guitar); and the winner, Neerav Chalikonda (Saxophone).
In the adults category, there were three female contestants: Padma Giridhar “Bahon Mein Chale Aao” (winner); Sangeetha Narayan “Aakhon Se Jo Utari Hai Dil Mein”; and Urmila Mota “Parde Mein Rehne Do”.
In the male category, there were three contestants: Hemant Kumar “Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas” (winner); Pratyaksh Pai “Jab Se Tere Naina”; and Tehsin Ali “O Sanam”,
Five paintings were auctioned by the following Artists: Nalini Bhat (2 paintings), Lalita Kaul, Vandana Pamecha, and Joseph Sheppard.
The Karuna Charities Treasurer, Jasbir Sethi gave a vote of thanks.
There were several beautiful, artistic dances by five dancers from The Bollywood Factor: Samruddhi, Mahika, Naimisha, Pranavi, and Tvisha.
The winners of the Talent Contest were announced by the president of Karuna Charities, Mrs. Amrit Kalotra.
The sumptuous dinner was catered by Bombay Tandoor.
Raffle tickets were drawn by Nilima Mehra and Mrs. Somani. The raffle prizes were donated by Mama Tigre, Bombay Tandoor, Double Tree by Hilton, Comfort Inn (Vira Safai, Managing Partner), Sakson Settlements (Law Office of Raja Bhandari), 1757 Golf Club, and Ruby’s Collection.
The Sponsors were:
Platinum–Mr. Vint and Mrs. Sigrid Cerf; and Mr. Ajay Kalotra, International Business and Technical Consultants, Inc.
Diamond Sponsors–Mr. Mohan Kapani; and May Jewelers; One Anonymous Donor
Gold Sponsors–Nilima Mehra, Certified Executive Producer of Global Television Networks broadcast on FOX5 PLUS, WDCA, Washington, DC; University of the District of Columbia; Rhythm Psychological Services – Kavita Saini; Mr. Karan Kapor and Mrs. Kamna Kapoor; and One Anonymous Donor
Silver Sponsors–Dr. Satpal Dang and Dr. Komal Kaur Dang; Mr. Parasuram Iyer and Deepa Parasuram; Mr. Jasjit Ahluwalia and Mrs. Jyoti Ahluwalia; Mrs. Kamlesh Verma; Dr. Darshan Singh Saluja and Mrs. Meeta Kaur Saluja; Mr. Ashish Lakhanpal and Mrs. Amrita Lakhanpal; Inoventures, LLC – Mrs. Meena Krishan; Mr. Cy Alba and Mrs. Suzanne Alba; Mr. Vik Bansal and Mrs. Nidhi Bansal; and Mr. Saran Bhatia and Mrs. Punita Bhatia.
Children contributed essays and paintings on the topic of “Kindness.”
Many thanks to all who helped to make this event a success.
Karuna Charities Washington, Inc. delivered a happy cargo of sandwiches (vegetarian and non-vegetarian), juice boxes, chips, and granola bars for 240 people at the Embry Rucker Shelter, in Reston, VA. Karuna Community Service Group participants and contributors (in cash and kind) were: Kamlesh Gulati, Sneh Sabharwal, Kiran Masson, Neeta Bagalkotkar, Mona Khanna, Priyanka Rattana, Sujata Avasthi, Sangita Kalotra, Asha Dhingra, Santosh Thakral, Meenu Siddhu, Savita Malhotra, Meena Singh, and Amrit Kalotra.
Karuna ladies served delectable food at the Reston Homeless Shelter on April 16, 2024 to 130+ people. Karuna Charities has been serving a delicious menu for many years now. It so happened that three members who are April born were together so they also had a little celebration outside the shelter.
The food service at the shelter was very popular!! And for all Karuna members it was a most satisfying and rewarding experience.
Karuna would like to thank Bombay Tandoor (Iftikar Khan), Kamlesh Gulati, Neeta Bagalkotkar, Sneh Sabharwal, Mona Khanna, Benu Abrol, Kiran Masson, Santosh Thakral, Shashi Anand, Sujata Avasthi, Sangita Kalotra and Amrit Kalotra for the tasty dishes!!
A very amicable and productive Board Meeting was held on February 8, 2024 at the Kalotra Residence.
1. In October 2023, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) concluded that the present Board would continue until further notice. At the February 8, 2024 meeting the current Board Members confirmed that the current Board would continue to serve in 2024.
2. It was decided that all Board Members need to look out for more shelters other than the county ones. Due to increased government funding, the shelters seem to be doing well but they are at capacity, therefore women are looking at other shelters. There has been an increase in cases of domestic abuse as the women are forced to stay at home.
3. The Endowed Scholarships at the four institutions, NOVA, Montgomery College, UDC and The Universities at Shady Grove where Karuna Charities has established educational scholarships are doing well. This month, a total of $30,000 has been added to the four institutions mentioned above, that is $7,500 each.
4. Community Service – Bina Dhir and Sushma Oberoi have been doing 4-5 services in Maryland and will continue to do so. Karuna is very proud of them and their dedication as well as great service all these years. Amrit Kalotra and Sujata Avasthi as well as others will do 4-5 community services in Virginia and this will also include making and serving food at a local shelter. Many local ladies are part of this group.
5. One local community service has already been completed this 2024. Supplies (toiletries, cleaning supplies, undergarments) requested by the shelter worth about $418 were purchased. These were personally handed over at the end of the meeting to Saira Sufi from the Embry Rucker Shelter in Reston, Virginia.
6. The Karuna Youth section, led by Priyanka Rattana and Sangita Kalotra will conduct activities that will bring awareness to our children about the needy kids in our surrounding areas. This year the first activity will be conducted on February 23 at Anna Sudha Kitchen where breakfast will be cooked, packaged by Karuna Kids, and delivered to a local shelter.
7. There will be two fundraisers in 2024: a Golf Tournament either on May 19 or June 2, depending on the availability of the golf club, etc. Ajay Kalotra will be assisted by Sanjay Khanna, Jessie Sethi, Sujata Avasthi, Promila Banik, Bina Dhir, Kanti Singh, and Sushma Oberoi. The Diwali Fundraiser will be on November 10th. The Karuna Board and Ambassadors will work out the details.
Board Members and Ambassadors at the General Body Meeting
Karuna Charities served a sumptuous holiday meal at the Embry Rucker Homeless Shelter in Reston, VA, October 26th, 2023. Seen here in the pictures are the Karuna volunteers. Contributors included: Asha Dhingra, Mona Khanna, Sujata Avasthi, Usha Saluja, Bombay Tandoor, Kiran Masson, Gita Bhatia, Sangita Kalotra, and Amrit Kalotra. Thank you Ajay Avasthi and Dr. Rajeev Srivastava for their help. We served about 100 people at the shelter. In the words of a couple of people whom we served “the food was so good, thank you!” The happy faces of all we served, the men, the women, and the children was very rewarding.
Karuna Charities’ Twelfth Golf Tournament was successfully held on a cloudy, slightly rainy day at the scenic PB Dye Golf Course in the shadows of the Sugarloaf mountains in Ijamsville, Maryland on Sunday, September 10. This enjoyable event was planned and executed by Ajay Kalotra with help from the Board of Karuna Charities.
The Golfers played with a joie de vivre in a friendly, competitive spirit and then enjoyed the massive gourmet lunch catered by Bombay Tandoor.
The results were announced after the lunch. The winners were handed their trophies. The two very excited first place ladies winners were Jessie Sethie and Savita Malhotra. There was a tie for the Men’s first place–Rippy Singh and Sujan Singh and Bobby Khan and Umar Sadiq. Senior winners were Jigar Shah and Sandy Weininger.
Thank you to all our valuable sponsors:
Platinum Sponsors–Vint and Sigrid Cerf and I.B.T.C.I.
Thank you to all the golfers who made The Karuna Golf experience such a success.
Golfers on their way to the greens.
Getting lined up.
Ajay Kalotra starting the tournament.
Members of the Karuna Charities Board.