
Make a Difference
in the Lives of the
Needy and Disadvantaged.

Be of Service, Be compassionate. Attend, Empathize and Help

Karuna Charities Washington Inc. is a 501(c)3 grassroots organization with no overheads that helps the needy and disadvantaged mainly in metro Washington but also in India and other countries.

How your Contributions Help

Services and Support
for women and
their families

Educational Scholarships
to Institutions – Montgomery College, Shady grove, NOVA and UDC.

Community Service
to Shelters

Helping in crisis
situations around
the world



There will be a Community Service on October 26th, 2023 where a hot meal will be cooked and served at a local shelter in Virginia. If anyone would like to participate, please give in your names to Mrs. Sangita Kalotra 703-628-7170.

A telephonic Annual General Body Meeting was carried out with Board Members in October 2023 and it was decided to continue with the current Board until further notice.


Greetings to all our friends and supporters with a wish for a healthier and happier time. Karuna Charities Washington was inaugurated by our Late Chairperson Lekha Srinivasan in May 1998. I have had the honor and privilege of serving as the President for the last 23 years alongside a most dedicated ALL WOMAN Board. Together, we started this humble organization holding a small Platter full of hope and an ardent desire to do something for our community here in the U.S and overseas. Today, we are 130 members strong and each year, some more join us on our mission.

Karuna, which means compassion in Sanskrit, is the heart and soul of Karuna Charities. We are a grass-roots organization that makes a difference in the lives of the needy and disadvantaged (mainly women and children) in the United States, India, and other countries. Domestic violence does not discriminate. It shows in all levels of society; it rears its ugly head in the homes of the rich and poor. We believe all beings have a right to live a life of dignity. We may not have walked in the shoes of those in need but we can hold their hands and walk beside them and lend them a helping hand. Some of these emotionally and physically abused women take refuge in shelters but a different kind of challenge faces them as they step out to begin their life anew. We step in and help in various ways, including money for their first month’s rent, lawyers’ fees, training for a new job, essential commodities so they become stronger and forge ahead with more confidence. Through our assistance, no matter how big or small, we aim to provide a boost to our beneficiaries so that they can lead a better, independent and more purposeful life.

Education is also of paramount importance for it allows a person to earn and to be independent. Karuna has set up four scholarships for the needy, particularly women, at the following Institutions: Northern Virginia, Community College; Montgomery College, Maryland; the University of the District of Columbia; and the Universities at Shady Grove, Maryland.

Karuna Charities also participates in community service. We cook and serve meals in shelters, give cleansing materials in orphanages and Mother Teresa homes. We have been active in our giving especially now during this pandemic. Most recently, we have delivered food to shelters, monetary help to food banks, and provided additional funding through the aforementioned universities to students struggling to make ends meet.

Karuna also contributed wholeheartedly during the very dark period of Covid days. Karuna Charities contributed around $19,000, to food banks, shelters in the DC metropolitan area in 2019 and 2020 and also reached out to COVID affected people in India with much needed medical supplies worth $10,000 in 2021.

During the intense Covid period, we added another Chapter to our activities, by adding and bringing about awareness of the needy amongst our very young generation, ages 12 and under. This Youth group wing is headed by Priyanka Rattana and Sangita Kalotra. They carried out an online inaugural Talent Program; made New Year cards for a home for the aged, organized a ReadAThon, and raised money to purchase fifty gift cards ($50 each) for children residing at a local shelter in Virginia during Thanksgiving.

The last two years saw a revival of the Golf Tournament which enabled us to arrange a Fundraiser out in the open. tI proved very popular under the erstwhile Ajay Kalotra, the principal architect of this Tournament and now it has come to stay.

Amrit Kalotra, President