Donation for COVID
Karuna Charities Donates to India —$10,000.00
Karuna Charities has donated $5,000 to Greater Washington Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GWAPI) and $5,000 to Guru Nanak Foundation of America (GNFA) for Hemkunt Foundation, who will each send medical supplies and equipment on behalf of Karuna Charities to India towards COVID relief efforts.
Karuna Charities believes that human beings in spite of everything have goodness in them! We are all on a journey here on this earth. We all are familiar with life, its trivialities, its gravity, its fragility! Always be compassionate. And ofcourse ‘if your compassion does not include yourself it is incomplete. To understand Compassion turn inwards to yourself!! Karuna Means COMPASSION !! Karuna Charities, like so many other organizations, is donating towards COVID Relief in India, where the Pandemic is at its worst–Together we shall overcome!!!
Amrit Kalotra, President, Karuna Charities Washington Inc.
Money sent abroad by Karuna Charities for buying medical supplies for the Covid drive in India.
Below is: (1) a receipt for $5,000 from the Guru Nanak Foundation of America, Inc.; and (2) an acknowledgement letter for the receipt of $5,000 from the Greater Washington Association of Physicians of Indian Origin.

May 24, 2021
Dear Karuna Charities (Amrit Kalotra/Jasbir Sethi), As always stated, it is our beloved GWAPI members and friends who make us what we are today. Our strength, unity, and successes come from within. The past month has been a true testament to this statement. During this time of great heartbreak due to the Covid19 crisis in India, we’ve been comforted, encouraged, and humbled by the outpouring of generosity and support from within our own members, and the Executive team is immensely grateful and proud. Karuna Charities, your contribution in the amount of $5,000 going towards the Oxygen Concentrator Drive is a grand gesture. In fact, your contribution is helping us lead the way in responding to this unprecedented crisis. Thanks to our membership, we have provided 100 Oxygen Concentrators which are being distributed amongst various charities in Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu, Ludhiana & Jalandhar. (Rasoi on Wheels, Hemkunt Foundation, Mata Gujri Hospital, Beena Anand Charitable Trust, CIIWI just to name a few). Additionally, we have GWAPI family, and friends on the ground in India orchestrating the distribution to the various charities. This is just remarkable!!!
Karuna Charities, thank you for helping us meet the challenges of this moment, so we can continue as physicians to provide the highest order of care with inclusion, integrity, compassion, accountability, respect, and excellence!
Attached please find a copy of your Acknowledgment Letter that can be used for tax exemption purposes as GWAPI is a 501c3 Non-Profit Entity.
Sincerely and with warmest regards,
Gurdeep S. Chhabra, MD- President
Rajeev Khanna, MD- Chairman Board of Trustees
Trishna C. Batra, MPH- Executive Director