Karuna Board Meeting on February 8, 2024
A very amicable and productive Board Meeting was held on February 8, 2024 at the Kalotra Residence.
1. In October 2023, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) concluded that the present Board would continue until further notice. At the February 8, 2024 meeting the current Board Members confirmed that the current Board would continue to serve in 2024.
2. It was decided that all Board Members need to look out for more shelters other than the county ones. Due to increased government funding, the shelters seem to be doing well but they are at capacity, therefore women are looking at other shelters. There has been an increase in cases of domestic abuse as the women are forced to stay at home.
3. The Endowed Scholarships at the four institutions, NOVA, Montgomery College, UDC and The Universities at Shady Grove where Karuna Charities has established educational scholarships are doing well. This month, a total of $30,000 has been added to the four institutions mentioned above, that is $7,500 each.
4. Community Service – Bina Dhir and Sushma Oberoi have been doing 4-5 services in Maryland and will continue to do so. Karuna is very proud of them and their dedication as well as great service all these years. Amrit Kalotra and Sujata Avasthi as well as others will do 4-5 community services in Virginia and this will also include making and serving food at a local shelter. Many local ladies are part of this group.
5. One local community service has already been completed this 2024. Supplies (toiletries, cleaning supplies, undergarments) requested by the shelter worth about $418 were purchased. These were personally handed over at the end of the meeting to Saira Sufi from the Embry Rucker Shelter in Reston, Virginia.
6. The Karuna Youth section, led by Priyanka Rattana and Sangita Kalotra will conduct activities that will bring awareness to our children about the needy kids in our surrounding areas. This year the first activity will be conducted on February 23 at Anna Sudha Kitchen where breakfast will be cooked, packaged by Karuna Kids, and delivered to a local shelter.
7. There will be two fundraisers in 2024: a Golf Tournament either on May 19 or June 2, depending on the availability of the golf club, etc. Ajay Kalotra will be assisted by Sanjay Khanna, Jessie Sethi, Sujata Avasthi, Promila Banik, Bina Dhir, Kanti Singh, and Sushma Oberoi. The Diwali Fundraiser will be on November 10th. The Karuna Board and Ambassadors will work out the details.
Board Members and Ambassadors at the General Body Meeting